M-Therm GeoExchange Mats
An M-Therm Mat is a polymer heat exchanger made up of numerous thin-wall capillary tubes to form a flat mat that can be buried under ground, under structures, or submerged under water to provide heating, cooling and domestic hot water for residential, commercial and industrial projects.
MultiTherme Mats are constructed out of the same high density polyethylene (HDPE) materials used in ground-source heat pump systems for years. The capillary tubes are SDR8 and the headers are SDR10.
Like the HDPE used in natural gas lines and ground-source heat pump systems for many years, HyperLoops have a life expectancy over 100-years. Yep, they’ll probably outlast the building they service!
Each MultiTherme Mat is 12.5’ long x 4’ wide and has a surface area of approximately 131 square feet, roughly equivalent to what would be achieved with 1” SDR11 HDP
MultiTherme Mats have a working pressure equal to 58 PSI @ 104°F and 30 PSI @ 140°F
MultiTherme Mats are brand agnostic. Any water-source heat pump that has been configured for used with ground-source heat exchangers can be used with HyperLoops.